Vaginoplasty Surgery

Gynaecological Cosmetic Surgery in Gurgaon

Please log onto our dedicated website for cosmetic gynae for more information. There are many Gynaecological Cosmetic Surgeries provided by expert surgeon at Kalosa Clinic in Gurgaon:

Revirgination Surgery

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Various cultures ostracize premarital sexual activity and hence the importance of virginity on the wedding night is greatly stressed upon. At KALOSA, which is the best revirgination surgery provider clinic in Gurgaon, restoration of the hymen or hymenorrhaphy is performed by a team of doctors comprising of a plastic surgeon and a gynaecologist.

They approximate the free borders of the remnants, using fine, absorbable sutures to achieve partial occlusion of the introitus. If hymenal remnants are inadequate, a small flap of vaginal skin is reflected from the posterior vaginal wall and approximated to the anterior wall as a band across the hymenal ring.

The procedure is done post periods and it is preferable if you go for this surgery atleast 3 months prior to your marriage as complete healing of the tissues takes atleast 6- 8 weeks. Visit Kalosa for counseling sessions, pre and post revirgination surgery instructions and see our wonderful past results.

Vaginoplasty Surgery

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With repeated vaginal deliveries or due to laxity of tissues due to growing age, there may be vaginal introitus loosening. 

To make your intercourse more pleasurable, such patients should undergo vaginoplasty and regain back their youth. After all achieving designer vagina is not a dream anymore. 

You can get Vaginoplasty Surgery by well experienced surgeon at Kalosa Clinic in Gurgaon in less money.

G-Spot Amplification

G-Spot Amplification is a minimally invasive, non-surgical, treatment that can temporarily enhance the feeling in the G-Spot for up to 4 months.

 G-Spot Amplification or otherwise known as the G-Shot, creates more fullness, allowing women to have a more intense and deeper orgasm. 

Collagen is used which increases the size of the G-Spot to about the size of a quarter in width, and one fourth of an inch in height.

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Clitiromegaly Reduction Surgery

This may be required in hermaphrodites or adrenal syndrome procedures. Reduction clitoroplasty with preservation of the neurovascular bundle is considered superior in terms of formation of the external genitals and sensation.

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Labial Reduction

Reduce the labia minora, so that they don’t hang below the hair-bearing labia majora. A labiaplasty may be performed to reduce asymmetry when one is longer than the other, or, more commonly, to reduce the length of both labia so that the labia no longer twist, tug or fall out of a bathing suit.

 It is a relatively straight forward procedure that is usually carried out as a day care under a local anesthetic.

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Liposuction To Mons Pubis

Whether from a congenital cause or due to excessive weight gain, the pubic area can become fatty and make some women self-conscious and uncomfortable when wearing fitted clothing. Another cause could be from abdominoplasty or liposuction of the abdomen.

Once the abdominal area is flatter, the pubic area simply sticks out more, causing a protruding mons. Fortunately, it can be treated via liposuction to improve its shape and size. Only requirement for this surgery is that the patient should have good skin elasticity.

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Fat Injection To Labia Majora / Mons

Loss of volume in the outer vaginal lips (labia majora) is a common issue in women as they age especially after childbirth, menopause, and extreme weight loss.

 There are several options for regaining the volume to the labia majora viz injection of fillers. They can give up to 9 to 24 months of correction.

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Clitoral Hoodectomy ( Exposing The Clitoral)

Clitoral Hoodectomy is a plastic surgery procedure for reducing the size and the area of the clitoral hood (prepuce) in order to further expose the clitoral glans of the clitoris. Sometimes referred to as female clitoral circumcision, the Clitoral Unhooding procedure is somewhat analogous to penile circumcision in men,

although male penile circumcision is still primarily performed from a perspective of genital hygiene. In women, however, Hoodectomy is done more commonly to allow women to experience heightened arousal.

At Kalosa, surgeon uses a Surgical Laser in ‘Vaginal Rejuvenation’ eg for the Removal of Labial Wrinkles. Hair Transplantation for Hypotrichosis of the Mons Pubis is also available there.

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Based on 52 reviews
Jaspreet Kaur
Jaspreet Kaur
Dr. Ashish Khare is undoubtedly the best cosmetic and plastic surgeon in Gurgaon. I had a head injury with a skull deep cut on my forehead. I was scared that the sutures will leave a lifelong scar. Dr. Khare did the procedure so patiently and kept motivating me positively that there will be a very light scar and I need not worry about it. Its been a while since I got the sutures and the scar is hardly visible. His staff was also very warm and supportive and his clinic is clean and well equipped with all latest amenities. He is definitely your go to person for any plastic or cosmetic surgery. Thankyou once again Dr Khare.
Vijay Arya
Vijay Arya
I was suffering from excess skin over my upper eyelids since a long and I was looking for a option for that. I met Dr. Ashish Khare, he made me comfortable and we planned my blepharoplasty procedure also called as double eyelid surgery, today doctor cut my sutures and im very happy with the results. Thanks Dr Ashish Khare and team Kalosa .
I was suffering from gynaecomastia from a long time. I was searching a lot about whom to consult this. After searching a lot, I came to know about doctor Ashish. In our first meeting, he made me comfortable and told everything about the procedure and cleared all the confusion that I had in my mind. Even after our meeting, I called him so many times and each time he picked up my call and answered all my queries. I finally decided to undergo this surgery. Now, its been a month after the surgery, I am very happy with the results and feel quite confident about my body. Thanks to doctor Ashish and his staff.
Soniya Sharma
Soniya Sharma
I was suffering from small breast since a long time . I wanted a solution for that as I feel very low in self esteem and confidence , I came to know about Dr Ashish Khare at Kalosa Cosmetics . The doctor told me about implant and I underwent breast implant surgery by Dr Ashish . I did not tell anyone about the procedure , the doctor and team took proper care of me during and after the procedure . It was a day care surgery and really painless . My dressing was removed after 48 hrs and I can see the difference . I was really very happy with the results and I truly recommend Dr Ashish Khare and kalosa cosmetics for breast implant surgeries as well as breast reduction surgery . In my opinion Dr Ashish Khare is best plastic surgeon in this field . Really appreciate the doctor .
Kajal Jyani
Kajal Jyani
Was looking for the best breast surgeon in Gurgaon for Breast Implant. Finally, a friend told me about Dr. Khare. I visited him. He told me everything about Breast Implant and before 15 days ago my Breast Implant surgery has been done by him. Thanks Dr. Khare for your service.
Heena Kharod
Heena Kharod
“I do not like my nose and i want a nose job done.” Our adult but also a teenager son sprang a surprise on us. We tried our best to convince him that his nose was close to perfect and he didn’t need any surgery. Besides, the after effects of any surgery would be long lasting and sometimes permanent. But he was insistent since he had done a lot of online research on this topic. He felt that he had lost his confidence as he hated his nose and surgery was the only option to regain his lost confidence. We approached Dr.Khare with this issue and shared our son’s pics with him. After seeing his pics, he acted very maturely and understood that the issue with our son was a psychological one – effect of hardly any face to face interactions with people due to 2.5 years of Corona. He acted more like a psychologist and explained to our son in detail about different types of noses, who went for a surgery and why, clearly highlighting the long term effects of a surgery. He also gave personal tips on how to boost confidence by making new friends, developing new hobbies etc. Many times plastic surgeons have to be psychologists, as certain unnoticeable issues with a person’s face that he/she personally dislike are an offshoot of their mind which doesn’t require any surgery or correction. Many plastic surgeons don’t even bother to talk out a young teenager/adult from surgery as it is a part of their business. But definitely not Dr. Khare. After one meeting with him, our son was convinced that he did not need a surgery. Had he been a totally money minded surgeon, he would have convinced our son otherwise. Can’t comment on Dr. Khare's surgical competences ( am sure he would be good at that too ) as have not experienced it, but highly recommend him for his understanding levels and maturity.
Suhail Mustafa
Suhail Mustafa
Dr. Ashish is one of the few doctors that actually specializes in getting rid of gynecomastia. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and can say I have never felt so much relief... Even w/ some swelling, my chest looks 100% better. Thanks to Dr. Ashish and his staff!
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