Best treatment options for reducing the appearance of Saddlebags?

Saddle bags can never hold everything you want , but they can hold everything you need..The female body tends to have a genetic predisposition for accumulating fatty tissue in specific areas , particularly the hips. Some men also struggle with wide hips or saddlebags, family heritage can make this problem even worse for women. Vaser Liposuction offers a safe and effective method for eliminating stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise.


Female patients are self-conscious and feel  frustrated  due to their fat deformed appearance and self-image. At Kalosa, we understand the problems and make our patients understand  that liposuction is an easy option to correct the saddle bags deformity .


The Saddle Bag syndrome –

Genetics and Hormones play a very important role in the formation of the saddle bags i.e  accumulation of fat around the side of the hips .

As the body tends to age , the metabolic process tends to slow and tends to form saddle bags . Any form of strength training , cardio exercises , and diet often are not sufficient to solve this problem .

Liposuction offers a perfect solution for trimming the saddle bags  and providing a normal contour to the hips . It is a straight forward procedure can be performed as a out patient daycare procedure if limited  to the saddle bags , even under local anesthesia .


Why to choose KALOSA for saddle bags Liposuction ?


  1. Dr Ashish Khare is a master surgeon having done more than 1000+ vaser liposuctions
  2. Excellent past results
  3. Latest technology being used
  4. We have performed Vaser Lipo procedures on largest number of patients in India . All our patients receive full guidance and personal attention in the pre or post operative period .
  5. Flexible payment modes available.
  6. Vaser liposuction for the Saddle Bags  is a walk – in , walk – out procedure and that is minimally invasive .
  7. It can be performed under local or tumescent anesthesia. if performed alone, general anesthesia is not required for the procedure .
  8. No hospital stay required.
  9. Minimal down time . One can get back to work after two days .
  10. Post operative pressure garments are advised to be worn which helps in better skin retraction .
  11. Minimal disruption of your daily life style and activities
  12. Minimal scars and that too are hidden .